Fast Dry Cleaner Bioremediation
Fast dry cleaner bioremediation by CL-Out microbes reduced PCE concentrations in ground water by more than 99% in less than 90 days to achieve GCTL standards at a dry cleaners in Florida. The naturally aerobic aquifer conditions supported this aerobic cometabolism of PCE.
It is observed at many sites that naturally aerobic conditions prevent the natural reduction of PCE and TCE. This is obvious when the suite of contaminants include high concentrations of PCE or TCE without daughter products. Instead of working against the natural conditions to drive the aquifer conditions anaerobic to facilitate reductive dechlorination, a more sustainable approach is to use CL-Out aerobic cometabolism to remove the parent compounds without producing daughter products. This approach has been used at hundreds of sites such as this example in Florida.
Contact CL Solutions for more information about this approach.