Land Farming Application Reduces TPH by 90% to 99%

Petrox microbes were added to excavated petroleum-contaminated soil to accelerate the degradation of DRO and ERO total petroleum hydrocarbons. Petrox was added by spraying the surface of the soil with a hydrated Petrox solution.  The microbes were mixed into the soil using a tractor-mounted disc tiller.                 After approximately […]

The Basics of Petroleum Bioremediation

For a brief summary of the basics of petroleum bioremediation follow this link Basics of Petroleum Bioremediation

Surface Spills to Deep Subsurface Success With Petrox Bioremediation

Petrox bioremediation is used to remove petroleum contamination from soil and water under many different conditions.  From surface spills to deep soil and ground water contamination, Petrox has successfully removed the contamination and environmental risk.  This summary of case studies demonstrates the applicability of Petrox bioremediation to the full range and life cycle of petroleum […]

Fast, Easy Drainage Ditch Cleanup

Petrox bioremediation of surface spills and TPH accumulation in drainage ditches and maintenance areas is simple. Using a simple manual sprayer, the Petrox is applied to the soil surface. The Petrox microbes begin bioremediation immediately to enhance natural digestion of the petroleum, like probiotics for petroleum destruction.  Unlike detergents that wash the visible oil deeper […]

Bioremediation of Industrial Fill

Historical industrial sites often have deposits of fill material containing a wide range of organic contaminants.   Perched ground water  present in the base of the fill is usually impacted by the contaminants and may provide a mechanism for off-property migration of the contaminants.  The organic contaminants are wide spread throughout the fill without a well […]