Land Farming Application Reduces TPH by 90% to 99%

Petrox microbes were added to excavated petroleum-contaminated soil to accelerate the degradation of DRO and ERO total petroleum hydrocarbons. Petrox was added by spraying the surface of the soil with a hydrated Petrox solution.  The microbes were mixed into the soil using a tractor-mounted disc tiller.  photo-2              photo-1

After approximately 60 days, soil samples were taken for testing.  The soils showed 90% to 99% petroleum removal.  The following chart shows the range of DRO and ERO concentrations before and after Petrox treatment.


Soil Mixing to Improve Distribution of Microbial Solution

Bioaugmentation results can be accelerated and amplified by soil mixing to improve distribution and contact.  The equipment shown in this example was used to blend Petrox with contaminated soil to a depth of 10 feet.

Soil Mixing Equipment to Improve Microbial Solution Distribution

Soil Mixing Equipment to Improve Microbial Solution Distribution

Click here to view a short video of soil mixing.

The Basics of Petroleum Bioremediation

For a brief summary of the basics of petroleum bioremediation follow this link Basics of Petroleum Bioremediation

Overcoming TCE Cometabolism Rate Limits

Aerobic cometabolism of TCE may be limited by the potential microbial toxicity of by products or by product metabolic repression.  An independent comparison of induced cometabolism using soluble methane and CL-Out bioaugmentation showed that CL-Out bioaugmentation removed more TCE.  The TCE removal rate by CL-Out when supplemented with an oxygen source was a steady rate that continued past apparent limits of induced cometabolism.  The significant difference may be in that the population of beneficial microbes that can be added is much higher than the population level that may be achieved through biostimulation.  For a brief summary of the study follow this link Overcoming TCE Metabolic Limits.

Surface Spills to Deep Subsurface Success With Petrox Bioremediation

Petrox bioremediation is used to remove petroleum contamination from soil and water under many different conditions.  From surface spills to deep soil and ground water contamination, Petrox has successfully removed the contamination and environmental risk.  This summary of case studies demonstrates the applicability of Petrox bioremediation to the full range and life cycle of petroleum spills. Click here to view the document.