Aerobic Cometabolism of Chlorinated Solvents
CL-Out® aerobic cometabolism successfully remediated solvents in ground water at an operating industrial site in central New Jersey. The manufacturing and plating facility had historical petroleum and solvent releases.
Chlorinated solvents found in the ground water in two plumes covered a combined area of about one half acre. A mix of chlorinated solvents including 1,1,1-TCA, 1,1-DCE and PCE in low concentrations icontaminated the ground water. The remediation goal was to reduce the mass of contamination in the ground water plume to prevent mitigate off-site risks.
After the CL-Out aerobic cometabolism, ground water concentrations in all monitoring wells decreased by more than 80%, which was sufficient to meet the remediation standards. Click here to download a complete case study.