Petrox Bioremediation Prepares Urban Bulk Fuel Facility For Reuse

Soil Recycling Prepares Site for Redevelopment

A 30 acre bulk fuel facility is ready for reuse after on-site bioremediation of nearly 100,000 tons of petroleum-contaminated soil in an urban setting near Los Angeles. Bulldog Green Remediation of Walnut Creek, California used a proprietary ex situ treatment process combining Petrox organisms in a custom blend to remediate the soils. All soil was treated and reused on site. This closed-loop process eliminated 8,000 truck loads of soil from the roads and landfills in southern California.

The treatment process reduced contaminant concentrations from typical levels of 1,000 to 10,000 mg/kg to less than 100 mg/kg in less than 30 days. This rapid treatment rate made possible continuous cycling from excavation, through treatment, and back filling.

The site is now ready for reuse as a park and other development.