Aerobic Cometabolism of TCE and 1,4-Dioxane
Field Demonstration of CL-Out Bioremediation of TCE and 1,4-Dioxane
In a pilot study to compare aerobic cometabolism with anaerobic reductive dechlorination to remediation TCE and 1,4-dioxane at a former industrial facility near Lakewood, New Jersey, aerobic cometabolism reduced the concentrations of both compounds while anaerobic reductive dechlorination was unsuccessful. For aerobic cometabolism, CL-Out microbes were injected into the aquifer to a depth of 60 to 90 feet below ground. The pilot treatment area was 500 square feet. Monitoring wells were placed upgradient, sidegradient and downgradient of the injection point. Ground water samples were taken on a monthly basis for 9 months.
The results showed that complete TCE mineralization, without the production of daughter products, was measured within the first month. CL-Out bioremediation removed 80% of the TCE at 40 feet downgradient in less than three months. CL-Out bioremediation reduced the 1,4-dioxane concentration to below detection limits at 20 and 40 feet downgradient in the first month.
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