These crib sheets provide you with information to help you explain bioremediation to property owners and others who may not be familiar with bioremediation. There are many misconceptions about bioremediation that may come up in your discussions. Your client or the property owner may have questions about bioremediation that come from these misconceptions. We hope these pages help you dispell misconceptions and myths regarding bioremediation.
If they have questions that you cannot answer contact CL Solutions and we will be happy to help. After 25 years of bioremediation, we have probably had these questions come up before.
Cellular Degradation of Hydrocarbons
How do microbes remediate organic pollutants?
How do microbes remediate petroleum hydrocarbons?
Bench–Scale Comparison Between CL-Out® Cometabolism and Methane Cometabolism
Enzymes Linked to CL-Out® Aerobic Cometabolism of Halogenated Solvents
Perchlorate Aerobic Cometabolism Case Study
Compatible Technologies to Improve In-Situ Remediation of Chlorinated Solvents: Case Study
Supplementing Dissolved Oxygen Levels to Facilitate Aerobic Cometabolism of Tetrachloroethene
Rapid Perchlorate Destruction in Soil and Groundwater Through Bioaugmentation